Welcome to
Saafe behavioral services

Quality care by professionals who care

Our team at Saafe Behavioral Services cares about your well-being. We provide personalized, supportive care to help you achieve your mental health goals.
Who we are

Mental health is a human right, not a privilege.

Mental health is a fundamental aspect of overall health and well-being. It is an essential part of human life and should be protected and promoted as a fundamental human right. Everyone has the right to enjoy mental health and to receive the support and treatment they need if they experience mental health problems.

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Patients Served
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Florida Counties Served
Our Value

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

– Helen Keller – 

If you can laugh together, you can work together

Let’s work together to improve your well-being and mental health. Together, we can create a supportive and caring environment that promotes healthy habits and positive mental health.


To create a welcoming and inclusive community where everyone has access to high-quality mental health care.


Our mission is to alleviate suffering and promote inclusivity and equity in mental health care.


Empowering individuals through inclusive, high-quality mental health care.

Providing you with a Saafe space to heal.

At Saafe, we provide a safe and welcoming space for you to heal and achieve your full potential.

Medication Management

Take the first step towards healing and growth with our dedicated team of mental health professionals specializing in medication management.


Experience the transformative power of therapy and take the first step towards healing and growth with our dedicated team of professionals.

What we treat

Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.

Adjusting / Transitioning

Navigate transition and change with support from our mental health professionals


Receive support and guidance for managing ADHD with our dedicated team

Anxiety / OCD

Get the support and guidance for managing anxiety and OCD


Obtain support and guidance for navigating the unique challenges of autism

Caregiver Burnout

Discover the benefits of caregiving and find support for the challenges that come with it

Loss / Grief

Find compassionate and inclusive support for your journey through loss and grief

Focusing on you, with the best therapeutic care.

We provide personalized, best-in-class therapeutic care that focuses on you. Our dedicated team of mental health professionals is here to listen, understand, and support you on your journey towards healing and growth.

Certified Healthcare Professionals

We're committed to providing the highest quality care with our team of certified healthcare professionals.


We prioritize the confidentiality of our patients and are committed to protecting their privacy at all times.


We believe in the power of community and strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can feel supported and connected.

What they say

How it works

Easy Step to Get Awesome Service

Get started on your journey toward healing and growth with our team through a call, visiting a location, or accessing your patient portal.

Intake Interview

Contact us to schedule an intake interview and take the first step towards finding balance on your life journey

Our Locations

Ready to take the first step toward healing and growth? Visit one of our locations for personalized support and guidance

Patient Portal

Easily access your medical records and communicate with your healthcare team through our secure patient portal

life on the butterfly

Explore Our World

Explore our educational video content and gain valuable insights and strategies for managing your mental health.

connect with us today

Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.

It’s time for comprehensive treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.

Need more help?

Get in touch with our team for personalized support and guidance.

Customer Service


Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday
(7:30 AM – 6:00 PM)

(8:00 AM - 12 PM)

If you are a current patient, please submit your inquiries via your Patient Portal
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